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Monday, 30 April 2012

Monday Medicine for Nervous Jitters

Makes me smile every time.

First day of internship for the next 5 weeks - I needed something funny.

Good luck to all the rest of the OISE rookie teacher squad.

And for the rest of you lot...hope this made you LAUGH on a Monday.


Saturday, 28 April 2012

Friday, 27 April 2012

WARNING: Ugly Pictures Ahead!

Defending knife attacks in class yesterday...ça fait mal!

And of course the guy who was hitting me was cute so I couldn't very well show how much it hurt.

Wow, that sounds bad...but you know what I mean.

In KRAV MAGA class people - shesssssh :-)

Wait until I come home with a black eye...awesome! Although that might be a little harder to hide.

Opps, did I forget to mention IT'S FRIDAY!

(dancing alone this very second)

Why not?

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Creepy Pencil Effects

I call this one "googles" 
(weird-googily-one-eye-thing going on - not dead sexy)

This one could use a little more moisturizer, eh Lauren?

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Problem solved...well, at least ONE!

Do you know how long it takes me to lock up my bike?

First I have to find a spot, remember my code or if I have a lock, remember the key. Of course, I end up dropping the key a couple times in the process while fighting to open sticky lock - Ugh!
Let's not forget how the bike must be positioned, properly wrapped and tightly secure from the the arse-holes everywhere who like stealing bikes.
Who does that? Steal bikes that is
Lauren don't start down that path - double UGH!

No wonder I am always freaking late and in such a bad mood whenever I arrive somewhere.

But look no further, my problems are soon to be solves with this brilliant new bike!

All I have to do is purchase it :-)
*And yes ladies, the Beatles-cutie comes with the bike! 
(tiny squeal of joy heard everywhere)
Minus the purple shoes of course because I'll be wearing them.


Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Lovers in a Dangerous Time

I feel like there should be some imaginary heart drawn above the heads of these two...

 with a arrow going through it?

Missing my friend Tina. However, hearing and seeing this little guy every

morning for breakfast is a pretty good substitution...for now!


Monday, 23 April 2012


Or when it's April 23rd and you thought wet snow warnings were old news...

Right well, at least I'm not in Ottawa, right?

(small jab or loving poke at all my Ottawa peeps)



Saturday, 21 April 2012

Sour Saturday & Still Sleepy...Sucks!

I needed something ever so sweet to go with my coffee today.

Assignments still not done, worked all last night, trying to work this morning.


A cake with my name on it also makes me happy!

Mmm, virtual cake smells delicious.

I could SQUEEZE those two-cute-little duckiesss they're soooo cute!

It's just the coffee talking - sorry.

Fine, I'm getting back essay writing - Bahhhh!

Have a lovely weekend.


Thursday, 19 April 2012

Makes Me So Happy to Say - GOODBYE!

Good-bye bunk-bed, HELLO SPACE BED!

Today is a moving day for me! 


I will be smiling the whole day :-)

Wednesday, 18 April 2012


Krav Maga - WHAT IS IT?
 WIKI says: Krav Maga is a noncompetitive eclectic self-defense system developed in Israel that involves striking techniques,wrestling and grappling. Krav Maga is known for its focus on real-world situations and extremely efficient, brutal counter-attacks. 
Krav Maga has a philosophy emphasizing threat neutralization, simultaneous defensive and offensive maneuvers, and aggression. Krav Maga is used by Israeli Defense Forces, both regular and special forces, and several closely related variations have been developed and adopted by law enforcement and intelligence organizations.

I signed up for a month.
It's been a very humbling experience so far. 
Especially when having to pair-up with men...Men are strong, eh?
Last night in particular, I was having difficulties in this bag class.
The big-bag kept swinging back and hitting ME!
I know, I should it be the other way around.
In my defense, we were doing this elbow move that I was just not getting.
I normally love my elbows but not today.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

When I was Young & Foolish...

 This is what I used to do in Switzerland...sit in front of my computer and 

send pictures home of myself.

Ohhh wow, look at me! I'm in Europe Mom! 

Yeah right.

 But I thought it was so cool, right?!?


THANK GAWD I grew out of that habit...


On second thought...clearly I need to buy a mirror or a real camera?

"YOU ain't the fairest one in the land so GET OVER YOURSELF!"

(will get that programmed into the mirror I buy, maybe that will help me stop

taking pictures of myself?)

SHESSSSSH - Awkward revelation for a Tuesday.

Monday, 16 April 2012

I know it's silly but I have to ask...

...would you still come to my wedding/party if my cake looked like this???

The poor bastard who is going to have to marry me...maybe I should keep this kind 

of obssession a secret?

Yeah - maybe.


I can't help it, I just love it when they run.

Monday already?

Mmm...still dreaming.

Friday, 13 April 2012


Late for school again but WHO's Friday!

I'm off but one more thing before I go...

...true story.

( long as you don't have too creepy a smile)


Thursday, 12 April 2012

Can't get this song out of my head...

Not sure how people feel about Kimberly Cole but I cannot get this song out of my head...especially 

when working out...ugh! this is the SONG but this is even better....

No more "pose"

Back to work.


Wednesday, 11 April 2012

What Kind of Person Likes to Edit?

Being in a movie is no longer a dream of mine.

This past weekend my math group and I shot a six minute short-film for a 

OISE teacher's college assignment.

Total time spent? 

Four hours to shoot, eight hours editing and one hour to pre-plan

 before final-finished product was born - BOOM!

(the movie itself is a final whooping six minutes and 24 seconds...hah!) 


words to describe how much I enjoyed myself ? 

I laughed and peed my pants several times! 

You get my point - it was FUN!

See for yourselves....I love the planned randomness.

T'was my favourite assignment thus far.



Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Practice Makes PERfect...wrong!

I am not that good at music, especially the recorder.

NOT sure if the recorder is considered a "real" musical instrument but I am convinced that 

I will get better...

...with a lot of time and practice.

This is me waiting for the bus, playing "Oh Claire de la Lune."

Should have had a hat on the ground, would have made a killing!

p.s. Yes, I regularly carry this many bags. I have acquired the nickname "Bag Lady"

 from my fellow classmates - I don't get it.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Happy Strawberry Eating...

This is my newphew Malcolm, eating whole strawberries instead of

 chocolate bunnies and caramel eggs.

I love him to pieces and so did the entire Roic family.

Thank you for good family and friends.


Saturday, 7 April 2012

True Story

I will never forget the day someone in my class at OISE read a book based on this REAL-LIFE phenomenon...

Amazing really - when you think about it.

I hope everyone is taking some time to lazzzz-around this weekend...

...hang out with family and friends...

...and eating lots of good foods & good conversations...
 just eating your friends head of lunch works too! 

Which animal would you rather be?

Hippo or turtle?

Je ne sais pas.

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