I thought this would put you all in the mood
seeing that the OLYMPICS are right around the corner.
Ohhhh Vinnie & Mark! Love hairdos in this boat!
Wow - look at those sexy legs ;-)
*double sigh
(the hills are alive with the sound of music - just saying)
Typique Jérémy - always thinking of his tummy.
Intense winter training camp!
Two of the most positive people I know.
Both inside and OUTSIDE the boat...except when lightweights
cut them off, then they start yelling! And so of course, in turn
who responds with an aggressive
"screw you" Italian gesture?
(throw one arm up while the other one hold the bicep)
Yup - that was me.
(we kissed, laughed and made up quickly)
Had a few too many...?
No idea what I was doing in this one...neither does the coach.
When I first saw that pink I thought "That will never be me..."
But gosh, I looked good in pink ;-)
Oh my little gingy - Jago...where is your other half?
Tonia, you are an angel for rowing behind me and that
MOP of hair :-)
Some of my favourite times where getting SOAKED in that boat!
Who else could that be?
Why it's Amesbury rowing on the Ottawa River...
This kid never even saw the buoy coming...
CUTE Bums....I'd like to think that was my biggest contribution to the boat.
(Always tuck everything into you BUTT or BRA - ha!)
Best partner any girl could ask for :-)
BAH - HAHAHAHAH look at that face!
(stroke of course!)
Pictures like this make me think of all the athletes who trained so hard this
winter and are now going to the FREAKING Olympics...
...no big deal.
So yeah...rowers rock!
Getting excited for London 2012
Sweet Photos!