Feeling so much at home, being outside, working in the fields,
getting down and dirty while picking
strawberries earlier this summer.
Get the BUCKETS - Check!
Get the BABY - Check!
Sunblock to block the sun's kisses...
...cute as can be (The Jane and her son Malcolm)
Don't worry I got this...
...block that sun with a very distinguished...
Good to go.
Look at that technique.
Malcolm form is amazing.
Five minutes later he is bored.
Who's that?!?
Father and Son working the field!
Family shot.
Malcolm shot.
Family shot part DEUX!
Don't worry guys, I will carry all the strawberries!
(thank gawd I am so ridiculously strong)
Mom and Baby Samm-O resting after a hard day of work.
All days should end with a nosey-smoooouch!
Just saying.