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Saturday, 30 November 2013

Santa Made it To Dhaka...

And I thought he had forgotten about me but BOY WAS I WRONG!
Elves and all - YAY it's CHRISTMAS!

Good thing I didn't close my eyes...oh wait, I did!

Loving Santa, loving Xmas, loving the Desh....and only
three more weeks til Christmas break!


Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Dave's DINGOS Shirt

I think this might be one of the best things that I ever "borrowed"

from my big brother David.

(long enough for runs outside and well, super light and breathable)

Did I mention it's also reversible?!?

Not to mention that this look is totally trend setting and fashionably
VERY risque here = COOL!

Who wouldn't be ridiculously good-looking wearing a Dingos jersey?

Nuff said.


Have a good day.

Monday, 25 November 2013

Les Femmes de Movember

Like I said, it ain't over til the fat lady sings...

...or until she has a MOUSTACHE!

Here is to WOMEN being apart of MoVember!


Sunday, 24 November 2013

The NEW Trend - this is a MUST!


I might have already blogged about this before - forgive me!

But in all seriously, it can never be blogged enough according
to my grade 6 students.

This is the COOLEST/FUNNIEST video since sliced bread.

And we haven't had slice bread in this country for a while.


It is KINDA catchy, no?

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Wow - slapped!

This article hit home for me.

The article is about a palliative nurse who explained that when dealing with patients 
who are terminally ill, 
there are five common themes or regrets that people express.
Five things they wish they had done MORE or LESS of.
Five things that they would like to change or perhaps completely RE-DO!

So I had to take a peak at the questions of course. Little did I know it 
would prompt me to write a freaking blog post.
(talk about self-reflection)

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

2. I wish I didn't work so hard.

3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

There TWO things on that list that I can confidently say, I'm doing.
(perhaps not well, but doing to the best of my ability)
The other THREE....
Complete failure.

How often do you think of death?
Right, never!
Death isn't really something that I like to think about either;

my parents are getting any younger and even friends around me are getting sick 
or having different health issues and complication.

Losing those you love - ain't easy.
So I'm told.
And so far, I have been perfectly happy about being naive to the issue.
Denial is a beautiful thing sometimes.
this article was a slap in the face.
Thinking about someone I love, being sick, on their death bed with regrets.... AWFUL.
ESPECIALLY if I could have done something to help.

Pffft, what can you do to help Lauren?

Well, see that list above? 
Why not try and help those people that you know, who are sick 
or getting older with less and less time....
Why not help THEM eliminate (or at least try to eliminate)
 as many
of those regrets as possible? 

IT'S NEVER TO LATE; trying is better than not trying, at all.

You might think I am being naive again, even nuts perhaps.
Thinking this way gives me a little more hope.
Just a little.
I know - I know.
The end result is still gonna be the same. 
Perhaps I'm still too deep in 
denial to see or think clearly,
avoiding desperately that "end result"
baby steps, right? 

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Everything that Kills Me...

...makes me feel alive.

Well said One Republic.

That's how I feel about moustaches this month.

Don't believe me?


Two more weeks...counting the days DOWN!


Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Lost Hat the BAZ-razma-TAZZZ!

Where's my hat?


So next time Baz, why don't you ASK before you TAKE?

(famous last words coming from the girl
who NEVER asks before TAKING)



Monday, 18 November 2013

Video Message to Leia & Baz

A special message to two of my favourite kids...

Miss You very much - KISS!

Awww Leia...

...awww Basil.

Amazing kids both together and when on their own.

Of course I don't have to say this but being their
crazy auntie Lolo...

...I think they're both....

...just MAGIC!


Saturday, 16 November 2013

Rooftop WAKE-UP!

I have found something else that I love about Dhaka; ROOFS!

Grab a coffee, tea, whatever...

Directly face the morning sun...well, too bright to look at directly.

Maybe just keep eyes closed?

Bring a little breakie or homemade snack?

Ask a couple friends to join you?

AND VOILA! You have the ingredients for a great
morning = a great DAY!

p.s. Special video message for YOU dad!

Friday, 15 November 2013

Sir John a 3 year old - YIKES!

My dad is awesome.



 Perhaps NOT the best at reading kids books.

Kids books that include large, long, hard to pronounce, dinosaur names.

Like allosaurus...

Link for this picture

...and triceratops!

Link for this picture

Love you dad 

(Don't worry, you aren't the only one who couldn't read those names...there
was a reason I never picked up that book!)


Auntie Lolo

Saturday, 9 November 2013

The "real" Selfies...None of this Pretty CRAP!

I keep bringing up this new word I learnt.


I have been told I take a lot of selfies...and to be frank -

Yes, yes I do.

But here's the's not the kind of selfies that make me feel 
all warm and pretty on the outside OR inside.

Nope - au contraire!

It reminds me of how I felt at that particular moment, that particular day, or that particular space I was in
and what I was thinking and doing at that time.
And normally it's not for the ohhhh - look how cute I look but instead
Oh my gawd, what a FREAK I was that night...


Ahhh I remember how good that sun felt in my eyes...


Brrr - that's the last time I ride without my PARKA on the boat
(I cut my shirt that was SOOO cold!)


Yay - my hair looks great but that was the day I had the juiciest farts and well, 
the salon was pretty happy to see me go....


My "selfies" are the real deal.
They remind me of my sometimes gross or embarrassing moments 
but ultimately?
That I should probably stop taking selfies.
(I never do)
Especially when I should be working on lesson plans but instead am 
up-dating my DANG blog with more SELFIES!


Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Cheers it's Thursday!

And you thought saying "cheers" only happened when
people had a cream cones are
JUST as good - if not better!


It's UNIVERSAL people.

Thank you Megs for capturing such an adorable moment.

I miss you and the kids.

A lot.



Monday, 4 November 2013

Just when I thought one blog was enough....

It happened.

I created another blog for a group at school called


And no, I did not come up with that name nor did I even start
this amazing club - fabulous teacher named Chris Hesse.

But long story short with all the Hartals going on, a lot of kids are not 
coming to school therefore, how can I give credit to the students that DO come 
vs. the students who DO NOT come?

Check it out!

Of course, to all my teaching PEEPS - if you have any other KOOL 
mediums that you think I can use with my students, web resources
that you thought we JUST DYNAMITE...


or anything KOOL about the environment....that not just
kids but me INCLUDED should know - LEMME KNOW!

Sunday, 3 November 2013

I thought it was a chair...

I giggle every time I see this.

Ohhh stop, REALLY!?! As if you aren't smiling, just a LITTLE?

Mmm - maybe it's only aunts who can feel this kind of love perhaps?


Ya, no one else finds this entertaining Lauren.

Good to know,


Saturday, 2 November 2013

8th Wonder of the World

And you thought there were only 7 wonders of the world....


There's ONE clue that distinguishes our Wildcat island from all the
rest...can you tell what it is?
One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is just not the same... 


You know it's our island from a distance because of that ONE TREE that sticks 
up higher than the rest...the one that is DEAD PAN CENTER of this picture.

Home sweet home...doesn't look like bunch but the trees cover so much
Wells family history! Hahahahah!

And who would complain about this view???

Ahhhhhh - could really use a good DOSE of the island right about now!

(although it's problem FREAKING cold with a foot of snow, 
no heaters and well, the pipes would be close to freezing)

Errr....on second thought.


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