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Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Missing the cold....cold in South Korea?

Okay - okay!

Maybe this is TOO cold
(at the Brickworks in Toronto winter 2013)
but I am hoping that the next week 
might be a little colder than Dhaka?

I kinda miss that chilly, FREEZE feeling....especially when you get to wear
a hat like that - yikes!

More photos to come from a land completely NEW and UNKNOWN!

South Korea baby,

Monday, 29 September 2014

Sometimes you just gotta be Posh...Posh Spice, that is!

Once upon a time, there was a group called the Spice Girls.

This is their story - Bagha CLUB style...

Kinda looks like Abbey Road, eh?

A crazy group of women had an idea and well, 
I just got DRAGGED into it - by chance!

BUT WHO KNEW - I would get SO into character?

Okay - okay.
A little over the top, I agree!

Again, I was just trying to be the best "Posh Spice"
I could be....

I have never had so much fun being ridiculous!
And yes, everyone else in my group was both Scottish and Irish
which made working with them 

Clearly we were the best act that night!

We are like a deformed version of the real thing....bahahha!

All of us singing our hearts out - I LOVE IT!

Pretty sure this IS and WAS the best shot of the night~!

And THEN the music suddenly turned off and we were no longer singing
along with the karaoke....eeeeks!

Like I was probably saying in the photo
"Not too worry folks, we will just KEEP singing~!"

Again, who would have thought the Spice Girls
would be in DHAKA?!?!?

One of the silly nights I might never forget...and no, 
that is not Ariel from The Little Mermaid but

Bahahha - ha!

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Say YES to Homemade Bread and NO to Gluten Free...for one week at least!

One of my lovely neighbours from a floor below
arrived at my door with a hot loaf of homemade bread.

What was I to do?


My love week love affair was eternal bliss.

Well, well...looky what we got here~!

Excuse me but don't mind if I do.

Best smell EVER~!

Avocado on bread?

Is there anything sweeter in life?

Didn't think so.


(you are the best!)

p.s. NO more delicious bread, I am trying to be gluten free~!

(Ya - right!)

Friday, 26 September 2014

What I Think About Love...

How do I feel about love....?
I miss the awkward kiss or that-too-long-a-hug.
The stupid laughing or misplace of hands while grabbing blindly at shadows, in the pitch dark, half-falling out of bed.

I miss the fumbling, mumbling, whimpering, and loud whispers. I miss the sideway glances and sheepish-dirty smiles. The awkward sleepover or the even more awkward morning after...where light strips away the romance, skin no longer seems appropriate to share.

Small changes hurt hearts.
Random messages break hearts; play, shuffle, repeat. Do it all over again.
I even miss those final goodbyes, which last too long and seem so insincere.
Was that all just a game? I feel sick.

My new definition for falling in love: a sad weakness in humans that naturally and uncontrollably gives-in to temptation. You have no choice, there’s no stopping it! People splurge recklessly on love like its boxing day. The final hour before all sales end, door are closing, but –
“MAM - I’m sorry but that was the LAST one in your size! We have another in the soft peach colour; do you want to try that one instead?”

What’s the point of any of it? I don't even know anymore…
But like most people, I pretend to know something (which probably counts for nothing). Regardless….here goes…(clearing my throat)…uh, ready?
(Deep inhalation)

I-I…I wanna try it all over again (Oh gawd, did I just say that?)
What did she say? I didn’t hear a damn thing! SPEAK UP DEAR! What do you wanna buy?
No-no, TRY! I want to TRY to love again you ding-a-ling!

I want to fall in love again and again and maybe once more. To be overwhelmed by so much love that it makes you bubble with giggles that instantly give you the hiccups. You try and wipe off the goofy-grin now framed to your lips but it just won’t go away, it keeps coming back and at the most inappropriate times.

Tsk – tsk- tsk …heads shake disapprovingly but lovers smiles always linger.
Love thrills and delights.
And that scares the CRAP out of me!
Ugh, I feel sick again.

Pursing love is like exploring an empty cave, deep and dark and quite frankly dangerous! Where the heck is the light? I keep walking into things – OUCH my toe! Why does love have to be so self-inflicting? Who knows.
But brave I shall be (or pretend to be). Yes! I will be brave and selfish, and jump with no hesitation and if I belly flop? And burn on impact? Then…shit….that will hurt but at least it will feel like something rather than nothing.

YES! Feeling something is better than feeling nothing, right?
Temporary pain for joy? Or wait – it is the other way around?
I’m confused.
And if it blows up in my face?
Wow, I smile just thinking about it.
Oh my – oh my….
(Pause one last time to really think Lauren)
Yeah, why not try love again?
Besides…how many times could I really get it wrong?

(Those will be my famous last words...but shhhh - it's our secret!!!)

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Sometimes You Just Need to STOP and Watch the Glow...

I haven't been working smart lately.

Been working when I should be relaxing
relaxing when I should be working.

Oh dear.

But the other day this caught me eye....


And the of course, I just had to capture the WHOLE moment.

HOLY CRAP the sun goes down fast here...

Please, please, please stay....

Goof hoping the sunset will stay...

Still hoping cuz all we have been having is RAIN!

It gone.....sun behind another rain cloud.


One last little glitter.


I haven't been working well (a.k.a. focused) lately.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

More PowerBoxes....? Uggggh!


Most PowerBoxes were FINISHED and PRESENTED yesterday!


Pardon me?

You mean mark them?


 A class full of FUN and MESS!

Caught YA!

One of my favourite students...well, that day at least! 


(Why do I almost look naked?!?)

 Some really fun work time....

New student who also worked his BUTT off on this task!

Nice technique Nadim....not sure what they call that but it looked COOL!

Box head - HAH!

Cleaning up my own little mess - ugh!

Like I said, some really cool painting done on boxes - WHOA!

And that is a WRAP people!

(next will be the OWNERS and their FINISHED products!)


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