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Friday, 6 January 2012


I’m sorry but its just too cold outside not to be wearing a hat these days, right??? WRONG! 
Curiously enough the origins of this “losing all your body heat through your head” is a myth. Can you believe it? I know, I didn’t either. Supposedly its just because your head, face and neck are the most SENSITIVE to the cold that you think you are losing incredible amounts of heat when indeed you are not. Unfortunately I need more facts, research, stats, people with hats vs. people with no hats to convince me that its just a myth. Because what I do know is this: my curly mop alone does NOT do its job at keeping my head warm therefore why the heck do all you people with nice heads of hair think you can get away with not wearing a hat? PLEASE, it makes me cold just looking at you! Go get yourself a FUN-NEW-HAT and I promise, its will change your life.  (or just give you hat head which would also make me giggle! ;-)  

1 comment:

  1. Just take it off when you get indoors.... if not grrrrrr


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