The consolidation of my experience at Camp Kearney?
If the opportunity presents itself, take students to an Outdoor Educational School because it might help shed some light on what kind of "people" you are teaching-raising in the class.
Does that make sense?
Being a student is one thing but seeing the "person" that student is outside of class is remarkable.
It's kinda like moving in with a significant other... you know the person well but gradually you learn even more marvelous things about them - and no, more than just the bad morning breath - hah!
Some of the things the group experienced together?
Cross country skiing for the first time...I was the expert skier (and I'm terrible so this should give you an idea of the skill we had as a group -hah)
Map is a map, read it, now go find this in the woods - QUICK!
Survival games in the woods...Ms Wells got to be the poacher - boom!
Some students were stuck in waist deep snow...that was a little scary.
Facing extreme changes in weather together: it rained first day, warm the 2nd, then dropped down to -13 on the final night...ugh.
Practice wolf calls at the top of a hill, in the pitch black, in the middle of a wind storm - I excelled.
My favorite: Going crazy-carpeting/tobogganing with students down slick hill - sooo FAST!
To sum up: I made mistakes, got messy but LEARNT about my students...
...and hopefully they learnt a lot about me Ms.Wells
That's so awesome! It sounds like it was really fun - I wish I could do something like that one day :)