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Friday, 29 June 2012

Missing OISE...momentarily.

                                  I found this old Valentine that a student gave me.

I would never want to redo this year but sometimes I miss it.

Just a little.

Happy Friday.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Somebody had to say it...thank GAWD!

You are not special, well yeah - DUH Lauren!

I knew that but amazingly so did THIS GUY.

Don't know what I am talking about? 

Grab a kit-kat and take a break for a moment.
(maybe wait until boss is out of the room?)

This is what my generation and younger generations need to hear.

The truth feels like a SLAP to the face sometimes.

Painful but almost never forget.

This speech is painfully honest but important to take in and think about. 

I kinda wanna use this class...can I do that? 

Maybe not the first day but what a message, eh?

OHHHH FOR SURE, I would definitely get in shit - ha! 

I need NOT get fired, kicked out or yelled at

on the first day of school in Dhaka...maybe on the 2nd, but not the first.

Cheeky, I know.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Do We Scare You? Maybe a little (insert smile)

I love professional women athletes.


I think there will always be apart of me that crushes on all women from any

sport&discipline who emulate great performances along with great personalities.

Don't ask me which one is more important, you can decide that for yourself. 

I saw something on Facebook this morning that I just had to share. 


Can I tell you a secret? 

Did you know that I've always wanted to be a tennis player?

No really! IMAGINE...

...all alone on court, no one else to swear at you but YOU. The pressure of getting 

that point which can turn the whole game around is right there but it  

depends so much on skill, perfection, timing and strategy.

You're right, not sure if I could juggle all that either.

But how fun would it be to try? Who doesn't love a good-solid challenge, right?  

Not to mention (*sigh) those adorable little skirts? 

Ohhh and there are dresses too!

I mean, what other sport gives licence to their athletes to flash the camera? 

And so frequently?

(when serving, balls can be kept up the skirt; often showing the top of a player's thigh) 

Tennis anyone...anyone? 


Well, I tried.

P.S. Thanks for inspiring me today Tonia ;-)

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

It's Happening Again..the kidnapping.

I moved to Ottawa.

Residing in a log cabin on top of a mountain...I should be safe right?

Safe from the temptation of taking cute, fluffy, snuggly yellow ducks

and calling them my own. Forget MAMA duck, move over LADY!

But alas, they live in Ottawa, on top of mountains too!

BA - Argh!

I haven't kidnapped one yet, I don't mean to but if I do...'s not my fault!

I'm a little like Jekyll and Hyde when it comes to baby animals.

I can't help it!

Ohhh - how I missed you Ottawa.


Friday, 22 June 2012

Good-Bye Kiss from Krav Maga?

After class last night, I noticed a little something on my neck.

What the...?

I wish people but no, its not some weird looking hicky,

Just someone was trying a little too hard to choke me...but what is too hard in Krav Maga


Good way to end the day, no, the week!

Here is your diploma and please strangle me from all sides.



Thursday, 21 June 2012

Thank you Dave Matthews Band

"If I had it all, you know 
I'd f*ck it up..."

Pretty much  how I feel today

going into graduation.

Is that normal?

No, didn't think so.

Bahhh, when did I become such

a Debbie Downer/Negative Nancy?

Or maybe I am just being a 

Realistic Rita?


Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Learn to Count Your Bananas

Last night at the grocery store a man embarrassed me so badly I 
left blushing and almost crying.

It happened like this.

I was in the EXPRESS line at 10:30 pm at night.
Sending text messages to this lovely someone who makes me laugh. 
Everyone in the line was waiting because something was wrong with the machine.
Of course I didn't care, could have been there all night
writing text messages - pleased as punch.

I was in SUCH a good mood in fact that I sweetly asked the man who had just come up to 
the line behind me if he could help me with something.

"Excuse me sir. Sorry to bother you but I was just you know how to spell ricochet?"
He seemed liked a decent older man, professor like - harmless...
...until he spoke.
"What?!? NO! But do you know how to count?"

I stopped smiling.
Is he joking, I thought. Then I looked at his face and clearly he was not.
Took me a moment to realize that he was referring to the amount of items I had.

"OOOh dear! You are right! I am so sorry. Please, go ahead of me. 
I insist, how silly of me. I didn't even notice I was the express lane"
"No, that's okay" he replied.

But I had a sneaky suspicion that he was not bring SINCERE.
Again, I politely demanded that he take his three 
 items and go ahead of me and my 18 items. 
He refused again.

"NO, it's okay" he kept saying but then added, 
"The move with the ricochet spelling, now that
was a mean trick"


"Oh well, it really wasn't a trick. I was being serious actually. Wanted to send a message to my friend and well, I figure you looked like you would know how to spell it.
 (tying to lighten the mood I kept going) Is there a "k" in ricochet?"

And that is when all hell broke loose.

"Is there a "k" in there? Do you know how to spell? Can you spell banana? 
Maybe you should focus more on counting than spelling. We should practice your counting because you have like 8 bananas right there and well, pretty
sure the sign says only 8 items total. 
B-A-N-A-N-A how do you spell that?
You know it's people like you how fuck up the lines in the grocery store....bla-bla-bla"

He did not stop.
I can't even remember the things he was saying but 
they were smart. Cut me down like a pro, I mean after all
this was a decent looking man that appeared to be some kind
of professor.

(bloody disappointment) 
I just put my tail between my legs, 
gave the kid at the register a small smile and walked out
face completely red and well, almost crying.

I will never look at bananas the same....ugh!

Whatever, what goes around comes around right?
I am sure I deserved that in another life for something and well, I have
a bag class today so at least I have motivation...?
Picture kicking him in the groin will be very satisfying.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Tickets are bought; it's official.

It's real.
I'm going.

Dear    Mr   Babar (this is one of my Boss's)

Please    find  below    reservation   in  Turkish  airlines. 

Routing  :   Toronto   -   Istanbul   -  Dhaka 

Itinerary: One way

Recipient: Ms. Lauren Hilary Wells

More details to follow.

Holy shit.
Moment to reflect.
Still reflecting.
Left eye WON'T stop twitching.
I kinda just want to grab a friend and 

(with one nipple showing of course)

No coffee today please, my stomach can't take it.

(weak smile)

(I know, I KNOW! What is the deal Lauren? You have known this FOR MONTHS!
It's just hitting me today, that's all.
Some of us take longer to process - alright?)



Monday, 18 June 2012

SMILE (faking it all day)

Home from Adult Summer Camp.

Feels good to be back in a real bed (although I did love my bunk bed).

What did I learn from this past weekend?

Never underestimate the power of women...especially women as 


as our group was (holy COW: I think we all surprised ourselves, no?!?) 

 I hate the word EPIC but this whole experience really was.

History was made this weekend - thanks to so many people whom 

I am forever grateful for.

No photos from this weekend will be shown...TRUST ME!

Okay, maybe a couple.

Coffee anyone?

Friday, 15 June 2012

Some Wear Robes while Others Go To CAMP!


(I'll be back alive and full of stories on Monday so stayed tunes because I am SURE the pictures are going to be EPIC)

p.s. I am not the only one who graduated from that dang teacher's college business :-)

Congrads to one of my dearest friend's Erin!

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Teacher's College; THE END

Ta - Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

You are now looking at someone who has FINALLY completed their B. ed 


I know, I know. This is the face of someone who is completely a rookie, novice, beginner,
going-to-get-EATEN ALIVE by her students.


But at least I look the part, right?


I feel like it's Friday.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Chew on this...

What does that mean exactly?

Can I see it again?



I might be here all morning.

What does it mean to you?

Maybe a coffee would help my thinking?


Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Dreams of Failure Woke Me Up with a Lovely Kiss

Who knew that J.K. Rowling was so bloody interesting?

I sure didn't.

After watching her talk online (an old speech given in 2008 at Harvard) I just had to post this quote.

“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default.”
J.K. Rowling

I am also a liar.

Jane Thornton is the REAL reason I found out about Rowling's talk on-line.
She came to Branksome Hall as a keynote speaker last week for our UN Culminating task and well, 
did such a fabulous job talking about how failures had helped her so much along the way
that I just had to find out more about this quote she used in her presentation!

And I guess? 
The students were so inspired they wrote stuff like this...

“The thing that I learned from Ms. Thornton's speech was that you do not have to dedicate your life to helping people, you just need to stop ignoring them as human beings"

Gr. 7 Girl named Izzie

People really are amazing, aren't they?

Monday, 11 June 2012

Old Video Message to a Friend or Gibberish?

I need to start the week by saying a humble thank you.

THANK YOU to all the people who have been my friend over the years, it's
much appreciated. Even more so after watching this old video from this past winter...
In fact, I just have a question for all my dear friends today. 

No really, I mean it.
Thoughts are scattered, sentences and ideas are totally incomplete...not to mention the whole
RANDOM choice of discussion or subject matter? Really Lauren?
And this video is me tired...not even under the influence of anything.
I should have a personal translator.
And to think that I THINK I can speak another language well? Hah! And want to learn another one?
Hah again! Focus on English Lauren, English first.
After seeing this video, you will understand where I'm coming from...
...if you don't already know this interesting quality about me.
(clearly I'm just really discovering it for the first time)

Again, how in the world do people understand me?
Shoot....I wonder if my writing is just as hard to follow?
Oh gawd...and it's only Monday.

Friday, 8 June 2012

#2 on my WISH LIST - done!

Look what I found...SOCKS!

But which pair to choose? 

I dunno which word describes me best?

UGH - why are my choices so hard?

Guess you will just have to wait and find out...they will be sported next weekend

In other news...YAY it's FRIDAY!

(Monday and Tuesday of next week - today doesn't count - hah!)

This is good news.
Really - really good news!

p.s. Don't even comment on the fro Peter - just keep the comment to yourself because 
I am getting the brush out as we speak 

Thursday, 7 June 2012

My wish list..Item #1

Some people want a dream car.

Others want a big house with a huge wrap around porch.

I have some friends who dream about the job that will make them LOTS-A money.

While others dream of having twins that will give them double the joy

(and double the amount of breast milk - ugh)


I have always wanted just one thing.

And sadly, it hasn't changed since I was nine years old.

I know, I should probably think about leaving Never-never Land.



Wednesday, 6 June 2012

One of those days...

You know when you are having one of those days?

When things just feel unresolved or everything is up in the air?

You are hyper sensitive, tired and shoot, more of am emotional wreck than you thought?

(cried when I saw a you tube commercial for diapers...really Lauren?)

(okay, so maybe emotional TRAIN WRECK is more appropriate?)

No, I am not pregnant.

I have just started to feel that recently... I don't fit in.

That my randomness puts me at a slight disadvantage because it makes me 

different and being different means often (at least for now) playing all by yourself 
because everyone else is like....yeah, you're crazy! Crazy fun but still crazy, go do that alone. 

Does any of this make sense?

Of course not. 

Well, imagine trying to be my little brother and having your big sis tell you she feels alone?
Random Lauren!

Well, I found in my e-mail this morning.
He was listening.

You fit :)


But wait, does he mean that because my hair is all up in a bouffon 
and looks like a man's????


Thanks Evy

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

The random thought (via picture) of the day...

 But mommy I WANT ONE!

All I want to know is how did that work when guests came over for tea?


Rhiannon, we should have asked for one for Christmas! 

Monday, 4 June 2012

The Best Engagement Proposal...yet!

Today I had something else planned, talking about...errrr, waxing or shaving or something?

But then a good friend of mine, Steven posted this on Facebook and well...

...the rest is history.

Indeed, I did cry a little.

Freaking love, eh?
It¨s so funny what it makes people do, non? 

Just WATCH THIS---promise, I have no time in my life either but this
is not a waste of 3 minutes...promise!

Saturday, 2 June 2012

My Top Four Blog Sites :-)

This young woman is fantastically FUNNY and has won an award for 
Her takes the pictures.
She play herself in the movies which is MOST entertaining.
The recipe post are brilliant, CLASSIC- GOOD- SOMETIMES FATTY-FOODS!
Did I mention this woman is a treasure to watch? Hilarious attitude!
Love it.
What's the name of blog?

Jeana Sohn

i'm an artist living in los angeles, CA. i make paintings. i take photos. i make videos. i cook and i heart fashion.

ps: my name is pronounced like "gina". xo

I found this blog through a friend of a friend and have fallen in love with her work.
What a TALENTED photographer and artist.
Works in L.A., soon to be a young mom, directs movies, cooks and generally seems to be REALLY on top of all the fashion trends. Love her interviews of people's closet - also know as CLOSET VISIT. Hah! Great FUN!
 I also just like to pretend I am on top of the latest fashion trends.
Why not?
Here is her link.

This is an old friend from high school who lives in Ottawa and well, isn't she just stunning?
I kinda have a girl crush on her, is that normal?
Well anyways, here is her blog which I love and admire on a daily basis :-)

LAST BUT NOT 4th blog kinda changes monthly.
But right now I have a couple friends who are living in Dhaka, Bangladesh 
so I have been pretty much obsessed with reading their blogs.
Sometimes I bite my nails a little while reading.
I am SCARED about this whole moving thing. I know, who me? 
Did I mention that I was also UBER excited about a new 


Dha·ka-King (dah-kuh-king) verb 1. to experience Bangladesh's 

Enjoy the weekend or at least your SATURDAY!

Auntie Lolo

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