You know when you are having one of those days?
When things just feel unresolved or everything is up in the air?
You are hyper sensitive, tired and shoot, more of am emotional wreck than you thought?
(cried when I saw a you tube commercial for diapers...really Lauren?)
(okay, so maybe emotional TRAIN WRECK is more appropriate?)
No, I am not pregnant.
I have just started to feel that recently... I don't fit in.
That my randomness puts me at a slight disadvantage because it makes me
different and being different means often (at least for now) playing all by yourself
because everyone else is like....yeah, you're crazy! Crazy fun but still crazy, go do that alone.
Does any of this make sense?
Of course not.
Well, imagine trying to be my little brother and having your big sis tell you she feels alone?
Random Lauren!
Well, I found in my e-mail this morning.
He was listening.
You fit :)
But wait, does he mean that because my hair is all up in a bouffon
and looks like a man's????
Thanks Evy
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