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Friday, 27 July 2012

Awww Surprises from Tina & JL

I was in my bed, almost fast asleep when there's a knock on my bedroom
"Lauren? Are you asleep?"
Christ, not anymore I think - hah!
She got me up because she wanted to give me a BOX of presents!
(more like a survival kit for the Desh)
Ohhhh stop!
Who doesn't love a good surprise?

Just in case I run into any wild bitting bats...right?

Ohhh the box is pretty but what the heck is it?

Wait, coffee break.

Okay, focus. Back to presents.
It's a concentrated amount of VEGGIE WASH!!!
Who knew?

This is not for drinking kids, its for hands and feet and more hands.
Did you know that kids these days in school are actually
drinking this stuff to get drunk?
I KNOW! Gross, act least go for the flavored kind.
(not funny Ms.Wells)

Back to this box thingy.
Ohhh wait, I think I get it. It's a COFFEE PRESS INSIDE A COFFEE MUG!
Who thought of that? I want to kiss them!

This one was my favourite- hahahha!

And the best feature? IT TAKES PANORAMIC SHOTS!
And video and regular photos...can you believe it?
Do you know what this means?

Hold that thought, more coffee please!

Is that all there is? I am almost done...

And this little pretty thing, guess how many photos it holds?
- 800 -

So I am just OVER THE MOON excited about 
my survival kit.
Especially about taking photos, washing my vegetables 
and drinking copious amounts of Bengali coffee out of my new
coffee mug via presser.

The two people whom have been kind enough to let me live with them this past month,
eat my weird carrot muffins and let me make them lunchiiiies
(which were sometimes quite errr, ummm, interesting)
were TINA AND JL!!!
Cannot  thank you enough for being soooo freaking thoughtful and
to indulge my wonderful - addictive - coffee habit with a press
that is INSIDE MY MUG is priceless.

Now I gotta go because this is not a wig, but indeed my real hair.
(needs a little loving today)

As Pete would say, brush that shit Lauren because you
look like a train wreck...or Moufassa.
One or the other.

Can I have just one more coffee?
Okay - okay....I'm going! 

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