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Monday, 22 October 2012

Building a MUD stove with Marwah

A couple weeks ago I got the opportunity to accompany

one of my students to her house outside of Dhaka.

My student's name is Marwah and she is in Gr. 10.

Although I don't teach grade tens this year, I'm her personal project advisory.


In the IB curriculum students who are in Gr.10 have to come up

with their own idea for a personal project and work on it throughout the year.

(on top of all their other subjects)

This independent study/project is quite intense and essentially allows them to continue their studies into the last two senior levels of school (gr. 11 and 12)....if they pass that is.

No pressure!

I know you are asking, what does this have to do with a MUD stove? 

Marwah's personal project (pp) is about learning how to prepare, cook and understand the culture behind  Bangladeshi food -COOLBEANS!
 Therefore as her pp adviser I not only got invited to come and see her mud oven she made herself
but got to make my own and see another part of Bangladesh that I would
have NEVER seen before.

Here are just SOME pictures....oven making only!

End result???

Next post you will see how this looks
in a REAL kitchen.

(sneaky smile)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Making that mud stove is quite a muddy task! However, I think it’s fun, knowing that you’re going to make a stove with your own two hands. Plus, you’re able to learn some Bangladeshi cultures that you’ve never known before. It’s great how coming along for your student’s academic requirement brought you this one-of-a-kind experience. Cheers!

    Lindsey Mckenzie @ Buchanan Fire And Outdoor


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