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Sunday, 13 January 2013

Koolest Moms To Be..not I, said the cat lady.

I'm not sure when it happens but there comes a time in life 
(especially for a girl)
 when everyone around them is either
baby crazy
That special time has not come for me yet. 
In fact
I'm feeling something total different.


That's right.
Bullied by big, beautiful, round, protruding bellies!

I find myself very much surrounded by these powerful, independently-strong women with 
hard, enormous bellies that are just so out there that you kinda have-to watch 
yourself when they turn around.
"WHOA! - Sorry, I didn't see you. I mean that! I mean I didn't see you & him...  or you & her?" 
 It's dangerous people!!!
I sometimes feel a little caught in between, 
like I'm a piece of meat, salami, caught between two big buns...
a wall between two goats that (on either side) are practicing their latest head butting technique.
It can be uncomfortable.
And don't get me started on being caught in between and then having the little ones kicking at you from the inside  - those kicks come out of NO-WHERE! 
Impossible to DODGE.
Don't believe me?
Just take a look.

Is that scary or what?
Can someone feel beat up by unborn babies?
Sadly, I can.
But what can  I do?
I don't have the answer to that ridiculous question because remember
this is all coming from a single, CRAZY-LADY,
who owns two cats and lives in a place she lovingly calls the 'Desh'


To recap?
To new any new, expecting or old MOM alike.
I don't know how you do it but I'm in awe of you!
(also scared of getting beat up by you - but that is another story)

CONGRATULATIONS to everyone I know who is expecting or who is
a new mommy - yay for YOU!
I am not there yet.
(especially if I keep up random-crazy posts like this)


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