Another tale from the adventures at ISD...
The assignment was to perform or do a random act of kindness for someone you
either know or (preferably) someone you DON'T KNOW AT ALL!
Gr. 8 Humanities class - Boom!
Students also had to provide photographic evidence of the act
(either before or after or during)
The evidence was key for ME, to see if they had performed act.
(kinda takes away the randomness of action but again, Ms.Wells needed evidence)
That's when I received this.
Ummm...this was unexpected.
I had not even considered a student performing their
acts of kindness on ME!
Don't worry, I was not the only teacher to receive this delightful and funny message.
So my head big head isn't so big...yet!
Math department
Design and Technology department.
And last but not least, crazy Ms.Wells in Humanities department.
Timing is everything, isn't it?
With everything that is going on right in my crazy life,
(daily stresses of being a 1st year teacher in the Desh)
students continue to impress me with their kindness, talents and sheer
originality...even if it's a homework assignment.
Okay fine, I am just a sucker for surprises!!!
Bah - hahahahah.
Lucky-lucky so very lucky to be alive.
(smile that is beaming)
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