I love that when I am absolutely sick from the
LACK OF SLEEP I've had these last few weeks
LACK OF SLEEP I've had these last few weeks
I find articles like this....
WARNING: this will NOT make me feel better
WARNING: this will NOT make me feel better
about yourself if you haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately.
Awesome Lauren
Truly looking forward to having more sleep for the next two months.
Sleep crisis: The science of slumber
Go to bed. On time. Tonight. Or else
The sleep doctors are coming and they want you to go to bed. On time. Tonight. Every night. Or else.
They want doctors to add a single question to routine checks of vital signs like body temperature, pulse, blood pressure and rate of breathing. The question is: How did you sleep?
If you’re like most people, probably not well, or at least not enough.
Coffee-fuelled North Americans, with our smartphones at our bedsides, are sleeping, on average, nearly two hours less than we were 40 years ago, when most people slept 8½ hours or more. More and more people are being diagnosed with sleep apnea, a disorder in which breathing is disrupted during sleep. And insomnia, which affects about 10 per cent of the population, is no longer considered merely a symptom of other medical or psychiatric problems but has been classified as a full-fledged disorder in its own right.
The scientific evidence is mounting that getting less than the recommended seven to nine hours of nightly sleep is having wide-ranging impacts on our bodies, our minds and, especially, on the health of our children, who need even more sleep: 10 to 11 hours per night.
In March, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declared that “insufficient sleep is a public health epidemic.” It released a survey showing that more than 35 per cent of U.S. adults reported getting less than seven hours of sleep a night; 38 per cent reported unintentionally falling asleep at least once during the day in the preceding month.
Armed with proliferating studies, the sleep scientists are turning their attention from the laboratory to advocacy, asking lawmakers for more research funding, and urging the general public to start thinking about sleep loss the way we think about smoking: as a serious hazard to our health.
The evidence is chilling. When researchers at the University of Chicago took seven lean and healthy volunteers and restricted their sleep to only 4½ hours per night, they found a result that went far beyond mere grogginess. Their very cells had been transformed. It was as if the bodies of the otherwise healthy specimens had been swapped with that of someone else: someone heavy and sick.
The six men and one woman, average age 24, took an intravenous test to measure how their bodies responded to glucose, and researchers biopsied samples of fat cells from their abdomens to test how the cells responded to insulin. Compared to results from the same tests carried out when the volunteers were well-rested, their bodies’ insulin response had decreased by an average of 16 per cent and insulin sensitivity of their fat cells decreased by 30 per cent—levels comparable to the differences between lean and obese people, and those with diabetes compared to those without. While the link between sleep, obesity and diabetes has become a burgeoning area of research, this was the first time someone had shown how sleep changes human metabolism at a molecular level. Even our fat cells, the researchers concluded, need sleep.
“Some people claim they can tolerate the cognitive effects of routine sleep deprivation,” said Eve Van Cauter, professor of medicine and director of the Sleep Metabolism and Health Center at the University of Chicago, a lead researcher on the study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine last fall. “In this small but thorough study, however, we found that seven out of seven subjects had a significant change in insulin sensitivity. They are not tolerating the metabolic consequences.”
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