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Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Why are librarians so KOOL?

The last couple of days I have been sick.
Let's just say sick from the waist down - that's all you need to know.

The darling little librarian at our school gave me some great advice 
the day I was sick...I wanted to share.

(Her name is Lezlie but it should be LEZLIE THE GREAT!)

*IMP NOTE: Why are librarians always so small, cute, put together,
 wicked smart 
but STRICT like no other?
Never seen someone change from a serious "Shhh face" to beaming
 "Let's read a book children face"



Lezlie gave me some brilliant advice/insight  that I wanted to share.
(don't worry, I asked her already if I could quote her)
When I told her I wasn't at school because I 
was having an intimate relationship with my toilet, her response was...

"An intimate relationship with your toilet might be just the kind of relationship you've 
been waiting for. Think about it - 
it's always there for you, sturdy and strong, 
it takes all your sh#t but doesn't give any back, 
and most of all, 
it forgives and forgets with just a simple flush. 
Perfect partner, really...."

You heard it here folks.

AMAZING insight and advice - FOR FREE!
When is the last time you talked to your local Librarian?
I suggest you do.
Especially when you are sick.
They could very well make your day - BOOM!

(Lezlie - you made my day)



This lovely lady and her husband are moving away and opening a business together
and all I want to say to that is 
(freaking adorable couple - wish they didn't have to go)

Alright, this is too cute! Too much love in the air.
(have a little vomit in my mouth - bahahahhaha!)

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