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Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Patience is a Virtue I DO HAVE; True story!

My father and I took the train to Hull from London.
Our instructions were clear; wait in station for Aunty Joyce to come and pick us up.
Twenty minutes went by and I finally asked my dad - maybe try and give her a call?
He then came back, said he had spoken to her and 
that we were to walk to the nearest bus stop and wait THERE for her.
I didn't ask any questions.

That was MISTAKE number ONE!

We waited for an hour and that's when the videos started...

Was I worried about my dad being nowhere?
 A little.
Even after the second hour of losing my dad, I thought,
"Well, HEY...maybe he found my aunt and they are having a cuppa coffee to warm up?
Mmmmm - coffeeee!
That would be nice.

By the third hour I was getting silly-angry-astounded
My lips were so dry and sore because of the wind and my arse starting to freeze from in the outside in!

My dad DID returned only to say he did NOT find my aunt and that 
he has no cellphone number to contact her, no address, no address to their business
(they do kitchens and bathrooms - lovely!)
and the payphones weren't working very well
(he  could only leave messages and hear what my aunt was saying 
(which is stay where you are, we will find you) 
they couldn't hear HIS REPLY!


In the end?
We were suppose to stay in the train station but wait at the 
BUS exit of the the TRAIN STATION!
My dad had gotten a little mixed up!

Thank goodness after 5 hours of sitting, I finally said - YUP!
That's enough patience for me and asked a stranger off the streets to 
use their cellphone, called my aunt at home and well, 
figured out the mix-up!

TO SAY THE LEAST - it wasn't the best day but a good
story to laugh about now.

Ha-ha-ha.....errrr, yeah.

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