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Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Please provide your Drama skills in Geography, WHAT!?!

Using tableaux in Humanities can be EVER SO useful.
Act I.
Define: Urban Rural Fringe

(say whaaat?)

Flat countryside on both sides of city.

Area around city starts to change and develop...

...until it's ONE LARGE city. 
(with edges on the side that are distinct and different from the center point of city)

Act II.
Define: Urban Sprawl

It's gonna happen, watch!

Slowly but surely, info-structure is taking over the agricultural lands around...

..and then BOOM; it's gone and taking over in all sorts
of different directions! 


You might be wondering how on EARTH this is something
useful in HUMANITIES but actually?

The kids were digging it and it took no longer than 6 - 8 minutes of 
their traditional DESK and COMPUTER learning
time so I say.... 

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