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Saturday, 6 December 2014

Dreaming of a LITE Christmas...who does that? MOI!

Recently I joined this FACEBOOK group called
"I am dreaming of a lite Christmas"

One of my old rowing buddies from Tennessee started it about a month ago and  
 basically the goal of the group is to encourage each other leading up to Christmas
to be fit, make healthy decisions about food and keep each other accountable.

Love that kind of STUFF!
(Corny? Yes, but love it all the same) 

Of course, 
being a teacher the only way I can cope with STRESS
is training like a MAD-WOMAN so I was like 
"Giddy-up, this will be easy! I got this"

Being apart of something on-line requires the following;
daily check-ins,
frequent posts,
footage or regular selfies
and well, perhaps some words of encouragement?

NAILED IT - not!
Not even close.

I have a new found respect for people like Kelly Kraiss who write to clients,
friends, and the wide world web on a daily basis.
Bravo to YOU!
YOU ARE DYNAMITE, luv your work and KEEP IT UP!
(cuz heck I certainly cannot!)

This is my attempt at being helpful and inspiring?

Me getting destroyed on the bike....ugh!

Checking the clock every five freaking minutes....ugh...double ugh!

At least I am still smiling at the end of it all....BAH-hahahah!

Take THAT bike!
75 minutes (5 minutes off seat/five minutes on seat)
Wearing an old, men's, cotton spandex, Ottawa Club Rowing UNI - love it!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like to me that you, my dear Lauren, could be up to your old tricks and someone told you something funny so after you peed your pants you got on a bike and said look at how much I am sweating!!!!!


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