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Saturday, 28 February 2015

Students still surprise, even after three years...hah!

Alright, I have to laugh at myself.

Lauren, you have only be teaching for three years!!!

OF COURSE, students still surprise you!
(you have ONLY been teaching for three years...YOU knucklehead!)


Sometimes I exhaust myself.

This student whom I won't say her name, let's call her Debbie?
Debbie was a DELIGHT on my most recent trip to Borneo.

I did NOT see that coming.


Because no, it's not just because she looked fabulous at
our last dinner event...buffet dinner at the Hilton.


She was the following;

1) Helpful
2) Took initiative
3) FUN - got people to dance with the chief
4) Risk Taker - made attempts to communicate
with people who clearly did not speak English or Bengal
5) Was thoughtful on more than one occasion
6) Did not annoy me like half the other kids did - hahah!

I did not see that coming because at school, things are different 
and well...its rare you get to see this side of kids.

Especially when you are with them for ONE WHOLE WEEK!

Looking forward to see what kind of woman this student becomes.

Because as I said, I was very much surprised & impressed.

YAY for teaching!

YAY for students!

YAY for silly, naive, grouchy teachers like me who  
are once in a while, take their heads out of the sand and actually STOP to appreciate 
students for who they really are.

Good kids. 

Friday, 27 February 2015

Throw Back Saturday....that doesn't sound right Lauren!

Regardless whether it's Thursday or not, I had to share this photo!

Back in September of last year, a group of ladies asked
me if I could help them out...

...little did I know what that would REALLY entail.

This was the final product of the "help" that they needed.

OMG is right.

Look familiar to anyone?

All let you guess.


Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Nope, not big enough...

Just when you thought a wine bottle couldn't get any bigger... was so big I couldn't get the whole thing in the picture!

Ahhh, weekend is almost here - HOORAY!

Keeping it real in the Desh.


Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Birthdays SHOULD be Remembered Lauren~!


Once again, I have forgotten a very important day.

My apologies dear JO-NO-THON!


This is just for you.

Well, at least it made you smile - right?


La Lauren

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Happy Valentines Day and remember not to die...

I discovered this song on Valentines Day 


thought it MOST appropriate 

when thinking about the people 

I love.

Just saying.

Happy belated day of love and joy... dying in dumbs ways please.



Saturday, 14 February 2015

Home Sweet Home....Dhaka Belly?

I don't get it.

It doesn't matter WHERE I do, I always have belly problems the first week I get there.


It can be in SEOUL Korea - belly problems!

It can be in a longhouse in Borneo, belly problems!

It can be at my OWN house and I still have problems...

Okay, not the best example but you get what I mean!


Make it go away sleep, PLEASE!

Night night from the girl
who is holding her stomach.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Then and Now

I was here (UK heaven) less than two weeks ago...

...surrounded by horses...

(sniff, sniff)

Ahhhhh Sam!

And now?

I am here....Sarawak, Borneo.

To spend 7 days with 41 kids and well, 
find myself a new man of COURSE!

(just check out the pictures above!)


Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Why I Became A Teacher

Why do we get so excited about sharing ideas with people? 

Why do moments with young minds lighten my steps some days and bring me crashing down the next?

I often walk into class forgetting which one of us is the teacher,
Loosing myself in a moment or a fit of giggles 
and then an embarrassing hiccup as I suddenly remember, 
"Ohhh right, it's me the teacher...remember who you are Ms.Wells!"

But why does it have to be so different? 
When did everything decide to change?

My eyes are bright, my outfit perfect but that goofy grin just won't go away.
The rules may be different being a teacher and 
the lessons longer than I remember but-but-but
Just breath Lauren, or Ms.Wells, breeeeaath...
Relax, you can do this; you are the teacher now!
Ugh even breathing feels unnatural

How can teaching feel so uncomfortably new 
but also so innately familiar?
How on earth am I excited, waiting years for the answer from a student...when I already know the answer?

I'm a full time actress, that's how! 
"But why Ms. Wells? Do you know why?"
"OF COURSE, I do...the reason is because..."
Silence grows, time ticks, minds race, and the awkward tension grows.
Finally my own voice breaks the silence.
"Like I said, of course I DON'T know why - I can't possible know everything!"
Smiles erupt, thoughts pop, and eyes shine 
My honesty always in toe with my non-stop humour, 
A smile breaks across my own face as I cut, eat, and swallow my own thick slice of humble pie.

Why is teaching the ultimate risk? 
Saying that you really don't know?How often do we get to say that as an adult? 
And how often do those moments suddenly inspire a student?

(that moment a boy who has never uttered a word, puts up his hand)

Why haven't I ever seen his hand up before?
Why does he suddenly believe that he can be brave?

My eyes tear up.
I cough, no correction. 
I choke on the hope that is getting stuck in my throat.
The hand comes from the back of the room,
From a boy who rarely speaks
I hold my breath and everything becomes very clear.
This is why I am and will always be a teacher.


These are the moments we long for, hold on to and so often get to cherish.
What did the kid say in the end...?
I can't remember...I was too busy relishing in the moment 
Bah - HA!


Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Some Memes That Best Describe Me?

Bah - hahahha!

I have found pencils and things in my hair that I didn't know where there....
...does that count?

Ummm - haha!


I knew unicorn existed!

This is just weird but typical Lauren.

Definitely the way I rolllllll'


Monday, 2 February 2015

When You Have No Chairs?

Exam week.

While some of our students take exams and stress to their hearts content,
others students continue with normal classes.
when you don't got any chairs!

What does Ms.Wells do?

What any good teacher would do...right?

"Alright kiddies, follow your leader... mou-hahah!
Find yourself a cupboard to lean up against and well, get down on the floor... I said now Rifat!"


And guess what?
They ALL joined me...

...okay, maybe not all of them...

But I was still thrilled non-the-less~!

Just LOOK at these two focused boys
(probably on skype or something but still)
for a brief moment they almost look like they are happy 
to be sitting on the FLOOR!

This is the photo we sent at the end of the day to Ms.Stacey.
(our vice principal)
To let her know
just how VERY upset we by not having desks.


One of my favourite groups of kids.


Bahahhah ~ ! 

Just another Day in Dhaka.


Sunday, 1 February 2015

Back to the grind...

Office check?

New office, new people...more collaboration?
No time, gotta teach.

#1-2 Lesson
Epic of Gilgamesh....put the images in order kids.
But we don't even know the story Miss.

Ugggh cover lessons.

#3-4 Lesson
So no one has started their project....okay, that is fine.
First test for Miss Wells, writing down the names of students after gone for what seems like months.

I passed with flying colours...don't judge the handwriting.


#4-5 Lesson
A little human evolution to finish off the day...under the umbrella tree of course!
(promise this is not everything I taught just the way one kid suggested doing it)

Kids these days.

# 7-8 Teacher planning/meeting.

How well did it go?

Push the red button to self-destruct - could you?
Life is good and planning is better.
Bring it on and bring on tomorrow....same amount of lesson to teach and plan for.
Did I mention that it's only Sunday?


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