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Saturday, 28 February 2015

Students still surprise, even after three years...hah!

Alright, I have to laugh at myself.

Lauren, you have only be teaching for three years!!!

OF COURSE, students still surprise you!
(you have ONLY been teaching for three years...YOU knucklehead!)


Sometimes I exhaust myself.

This student whom I won't say her name, let's call her Debbie?
Debbie was a DELIGHT on my most recent trip to Borneo.

I did NOT see that coming.


Because no, it's not just because she looked fabulous at
our last dinner event...buffet dinner at the Hilton.


She was the following;

1) Helpful
2) Took initiative
3) FUN - got people to dance with the chief
4) Risk Taker - made attempts to communicate
with people who clearly did not speak English or Bengal
5) Was thoughtful on more than one occasion
6) Did not annoy me like half the other kids did - hahah!

I did not see that coming because at school, things are different 
and well...its rare you get to see this side of kids.

Especially when you are with them for ONE WHOLE WEEK!

Looking forward to see what kind of woman this student becomes.

Because as I said, I was very much surprised & impressed.

YAY for teaching!

YAY for students!

YAY for silly, naive, grouchy teachers like me who  
are once in a while, take their heads out of the sand and actually STOP to appreciate 
students for who they really are.

Good kids. 

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