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Sunday, 26 July 2015

It's The Little Things...

This is a story of a dog and his owner.

Harry waits outside as his "Mom" gets a coffee. 

He peeks in the window, looking for her.

He sits and waits calmly.

He hears a sound coming from the door of the coffee shop.

Could that be her?

It's not his mom, just some guy who left with a cake but then came back 
because he forgot his "keys".


Harry looks again for his Mom.

And suddenly. 
He thinks he see her.
Harry stands up.

Now Harry is jumping up and down.
He is PULLING on his leash because he cannot control his excitement!

Is it she? It is my Mom?

Mommy is coming, MOMMY IS COMING!
(again, I am projecting my words onto Harry and the situation but 
I figure, it's about 100% perfect translation)

(A lot of acrobatics happened next - Hahahah!)

Wait, maybe I got it wrong.
(thinks Harry)
Maybe she ISN"T coming?
Where is she? Where is my Mom?

Here she COMES!!!!

Re-united at last...but no extra hands to pet him with!
(Which I found cruel but kinda hilarious - MOUahahhahahhahhah!)

Kisses on the leg instead.

Like I said, it's the little things in life that are wonderful to watch.


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