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Sunday, 20 September 2015

How I Was Happily Tatted By Lauren Wells

The Story of the Tattoo

Lauren Wells

It all started in Istanbul, Turkey.
It was a beautiful, sunny day and I had
was finishing my third cup of delicious coffee.

I was feeling pretty good,
(caffeine high)
walking around,
(A.k.a lost)
discovering the city on my own
(as you do when you are in a new city)
when I saw this sign.

The friend I had been staying with in Istanbul had mentioned 
that Kadiköy area was
a hip place, 
with great coffee joints,
and tattoo parlous galore.

The thought of getting a tattoo hadn't really crossed my mind.

Until I noticed the sign that is...and then a very big and bare space on my wrist.

And I thought, why not?
What could go wrong?
(Well, maybe a lot and was I leave the next morning? Maybe)

But these are moments you tell your grandchildren 
and moments that put hair on your chest.
(I am super hairy-chested now)

So then came the tough part...

...what do I get?

A tattoo of a snake with my head on it?

Or this interesting little number?

Yes, I WAS extremely nervous but also excited.

Not so excited about the PAIN but that was secondary 
to my NERVES about what my family,
friends and 
BOSSES would think.

(I wanted to make sure that I could hide it under my watch if necessary
while never knows!)

Are you my tattoo artist?
You don't speak English?

Thsi was Me crapping my pants just a teenie-tiny bit.

Complete FAKE scared at that point. 

BAH - hahahah~!
(What a wimp you are Lauren!)

Less than an hour later...I was smiling from cheek-to-cheek.

What does it say you ask?
Well "Rhiannon" of course.

Who else would bully me and peer pressure me (from afar
to get her name branded on my wrist?
Sisters, they are so PUSHY!

(Of course that is not true, the meaning goes much deeper.
The reminder of Rhiannon is essential for me.
Some days more than others as it can be a tough reminder/yet inspiring one.
And sometimes I just laugh out LOUD as I try to imagine
what Rhi might say if she could talk....really.
It keeps my little head thinking and smiling a lot) 

And so...that's the end of the story.
Even as I write this message and I look down and smile.

Because this may sound weird but it almost feels like it's 
always been there. 

You know?

It just feels right.


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