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Sunday, 20 December 2015

WARNING: This WILL Make You Feel Better About Yourself (trust me)

There are two things that nobody's likes to be told, while in an airport.
(Just my opinion of course!)

1) Ummm, Miss? Your bag is still over-weight.
(Insert every bad word known to man in either French, Italian, German and 
English and that is what I was screaming in my head)

And the second worst thing?

2) Yes, we have you booked on a flight but that flight 
leaves tomorrow night, not today. Sorry.


Wait - WAIT - WAIT!
Hold the phone.
Let's back the bus-up for a second.
(take a breath Lauren and a SIP of your coffee)

Lauren, haven't you  travelled more than the average person?

And haven't you dealt with more extreme/important situations such as;
a. Not having seat on a train and sleeping in the train station on a bench
b. witnessing a fist fight on a plane and giving testimony
c. holding a baby while a mother is sick both 
on a plane and while in the airport waiting for the plane
d. helping a child find their way out of the bathroom stall - hah!
Yes, to ALL of the above.

So then HOW the HECK do you manage to
(remember, I am currently 32 years old - an adult in some regards)

1. Leave for the airport only 90 minutes before boarding time, when the airport
is at LEAST 30 minutes away?

2. Over-pack your bag so that you have to BUY a new bag at the airport and well, 
re-pack everything in front of everyone at the airport?

3. NOT know any of the codes necessary to get you on a flight
(Of COURSE, I did not write them down before hand. In fact, I kept doubting myself unsure if I had booked all my flights Air Canada or Cathay Pacific? 
No worries, I DID BOTH! Not confusing at all)

(Breath Lauren, take another sip of coffee and dip some dark chocolate in it too!)

4.) Then my bottle of GREEN GOUPE exploded on the plane.
Pure awesomeness...thank gawd there was no Spirulina in 
it or people would have been SUPER pissed.

5.) Upon arriving in Vancouver, I realized I had booked my ticket for Nanaimo the wrong DAY!
(all good feelings left my soul for the next 12 minutes while the lovely
ladies at Air Canada just shook their head at me and kept calling me dear)

6.) Then I lost the boarding pass the lovely ladies had so KINDLY made/booked/given to me...left it in the bathroom.
(typique Lauren!)

7.) And then I TRIED to get into the Maple Lounge Area...oh DIO! 

(Just breath and take another sip and bite Lauren!
OHHHH don't worry, I will. Never travel without dark chocolate 85%)

Nothing like some coffee and darkness to make 
all the bad things that happened today, go away!
(that I did to myself, of course)

In the end?
It all worked out.
But officially?
There is no more luck up my sleeves.
Supplies are empty.
Storage is at an all time low.

Today's take away?
If you would like to have aneurysm, travel with me.
If you want be normal, 
I am perhaps NOT the best person to travel with.

Just saying.

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