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Sunday 10 April 2016

Billy Murray Monday: Move Over, A Little Message From The Heart of a Grade 6 Student

We have been studying "Eastern philosophies" in Humanities these past few weeks 
and this past weekend was spent assessing for their 
level of achievements on the most recent work.

(a.k.a. grading)

Insert unhappy ~ GROAN.

However...this was the insightful response from one of my students.

Which belief system (from those we studied) best matches your OWN beliefs?

"The belief system that least matches my own belief
 is Buddhism. 
This is because I don't agree with 
"removing desire removes suffering" 
for me that means to remove life.  
An example from my life that show how this belief
 system/religion is different to my values is that I fall in love and I still do and yes,
I might suffer but I might not.
And that is the fun of life!
You kind of gamble your heart for someone and 
you might be refused or might not
and that's the risk that is fun and sad"

Pretty sure that couldn't me said any better.

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