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Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Creating A Canadian Tradition in Bangladesh

Yesterday, another Canadian teacher in ISD celebrated their 29th birthday.

Naturally I wanted to wish the individual a happy birthday, as well as, 

remind him that being so close to turning thirty is really a death sentence waiting to happen.

(me being thirty now I know this...feel so stiff when I get up in the morning) 

So in hindsight, ending your life now is probably a good idea.

I illustrated this by hanging a rubber chicken from the overhead in the classroom.

Pardon me but Lauren, did you just say rubber chicken?

Yes, I did.

And a fantastic card around the neck of the chicken too!

Why do you never believe me? 

Check it out.

Nothing says happy birthday and end your life like a rubber chicken...

...all the kids loved it, thought it was a Canadian tradition.

Maybe it should be?

What have you done lately for a work colleague?

Hope this inspires you to conger up something....


Cheerio for now.


  1. Is that Pete the Chicken from our Summer Camp for Grownups adventure?

  2. Bah - HAHAHHAHAAHHAH! I have NO IDEA where I got that thing....AWESOME though, eh? HOW ARE YOU???????? Hope you are well and love the comments ;-)


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