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Tuesday, 30 April 2013

YOGI Tea Quote of The Day

"The beauty of life is to experience yourself"

My colleagues, friends and even boss refer or can agree with the nickname 


Not sure I really want to "experience" anymore of this 
(gesturing to myself but clearly no one can see me)

I think I'm good.

Had my fill of me for the year.

Yup - no thank you.

No-no, really it's fine.

Please, no more thank you!

I said NO!



And before any of you start - I KNOW it says SOUP bowl but
I thought - hey, two for one?


One word - genius.

Monday, 29 April 2013

Aquarius - Why Am I Such A Sucker?

I normally don't believe in this CRAP but every now and then I find myself wondering to the horoscope section of the paper...and this is what I found this time...or maybe it was on-line?
I can't remember.

AQUARIUS - Does It in the Water
(January 20 to February 18)

(Clearly the title is wrong from the start!)

Trustworthy. Attractive. Great kisser (when I haven't eaten copious amounts of rutabaga). One of a kind (easy tiger). Loves being in long-term relationships (YESSSS!). Tries hard . Will take on any project. Proud of themselves in whatever they do (Mmmmm). Messy and unorganised (Hell Ya!) Procrastinators.(Shoe fits) Great lovers, when they're not sleeping (BAH - HA sooo ME!). Extreme thinkers.(Not in a efficient way) Loves their pets usually more than their family (especially if it's a pony). Can be VERY irritating to others when they try to explain or tell a story (Giggle-giggle Yup-yup!) Unpredictable.(I can't control that) Will exceed your expectations. Not a fighter, but will knock your lights out!(Damn STRAIGHT!)

They forgot one thing, the BOOM at the end.

That's okay, just added it.


Sunday, 28 April 2013

Wrap It Up in a Box - What?!? That Excitement!!!

Can you believe it?

This is what I have to go home to...

(Long-deep-painful-sigh*)'s going to be a loooooong summer.

Bah - ha!

(Shhhhh - Tell NO one but......... little heart is GRINNING!!! 

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Impossible to Ignore

I have a parasite (first one EVER sweeet)

and so

need to stop drinking coffee for one week (doctors orders).


It's my weekend...can I start on Monday?

Preeeeetty pleeeeeease?!?


(weak Lauren, weak!)

Does it count if I say that it's impossible to ignore how lonely I
will feel today?
Ev & Tina left this morning and so the house will feel that much more empty.
Thus to avoid this feeling, why not go to a coffee shop and well, errrr
drown sorrows in a big old cuppa-coffee.


Get this girl a soy-cappuccino STAT!

p.s. I would like to make a toast to Tina & Everett.

May your travels be long but comfortable, 
May you find some shut eye on the plane
(or some really good movies Tina - ha!) 
May the two of you always know 
(but never really know) 
just how important you are to me and how much I loved having your here.

Thank you.


Wednesday, 24 April 2013

I Need A Second Opinion

I know I am a little crazy but

is this actually true?

(This was a sign, in one of the park that's Tina and I went running through the other day...)

Where are all my Doctor peeps?

Can someone please explain this sign as well...?

Where are my translator friends?!?

This is the one sign that makes COMPLETE sense to me.

In the an ice cream joint called The Fudge Factory.

Makes sense.

(Btw - they don't actually have any FUDGE in the Fudge Factory just ice cream...and honestly?
Northend Brownies are still the best deserts I've had in Dhaka and I don't even like 
BROWNIES - ugh!)

Random Lauren - so random.

So....(awkward silence)......yeah.

Bon weekend!


Tuesday, 23 April 2013

A Message That Hit Home

I found a quote.

A message that really hits home for me.

It describes how I feel about so many things in life.

And it comes from a song...

"And baby when it's love if it's not rough it isn't fun, fun..."

Thanks Lady Gaga.

Who knew she had so many secrets to the meaning of MY life?

It's been one of those weeks.



Monday, 22 April 2013

Small Message BIG Meaning.

A little unexpected to see while running one day in Dhaka.

(that is going to get old really soon....always saying "When I was in Dhaka..." or " That time in the Desh..."
I need to stop - will work on that!)

I am not exactly sure how to put this into practice 
but it's worth a try, right? 
(and it was the only thing I have ever seen graffiti-ed in English)

Case in point - it must mean something
very deep and important to all mankind.


These guys thought it was weird that a white
woman had stopped running to take a picture of a graffiti wall.

Diddo boys, diddo!

p.s. The TRUE story (because I am often called an exaggerator) is that I
saw this before on a rickshaw with my cousin Stephanie (she spotted
it not I) and well, she got a picture and I didn't.
Months have gone by and I completely forgot about this wall until my run a few days ago.

Honesty is always the best policy.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

I Can Do This but I Might Cry A Dozen Times Along The Way.

April almost done, May is on the way!
Once June hits I KNOW it will be smooooth sailing until school is out.


I saw this picture and thought...yeah, that's going to be me.
STRUGGLE - BUSING in the near future!


How little I understood my teachers in school.
Being a teacher has given me nothing but respect for all the work  they do!
(I say they and not we because I really don't feel like a true teacher yet, gimmie two years to play catch up then I will DEMAND people call me Ms.Wells...even at the grocery store)


By the way, who talks about summer break BEFORE their students?

I'm the WORST!
(pep talk number two...and it's only Monday)


Suck it up Ms.Wells.


Saturday, 20 April 2013

First Day Back to School

It's been a two week holiday and I get sick to my stomach 


at the thought of be back in class...


What's eight more weeks of school Ms.Wells?



(nice pep talk)

Friday, 19 April 2013

Ever Been Go-Karting? How 'bout In the Desh? Me neither!

Ever been GO-Karting?

 Me neither, until today that is.

Oh my WORD!

Let's just say, you have to REALLY like GO-Karting to drive the 40 mins on 

Bangladeshi roads to go GO-Karting.

Again, I didn't really want to go.


with my little brother in town and two other good friends, 

I was assured a ROARING good time...

Sometimes peer pressure is a good.

Other times not so much...this was NOT one of those times!


In my element...even with the farmers shirt - BOOM!

Allen was having some trouble fitting in his element....

Talking strategy...boys being boys!

Bangladeshi men are a little smaller, okay - okay! A LOT smaller!

Safety first.

One of my favourite Germans...after you of course (Johnny!)

Ev you can put on your seatbelt buddy but it ain't gonna help...

...he got smoked by his sister!

Family size car - BAH-HAHAHAHAH!

I'm a natural.

Give me back my bloody camera...I take better pictures of myself!

I cannot tell a lie - Ev actually killed me hands down. about those better pictures? Mmm

GOOD DAY had by ALL!


Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Running Ain't sooo Bad in The Desh

The water just after a morning of HARRRD rain....ahhhhhh!
(Who wants to run when you could ROW?!?)

GREAT around the lake trails...really!

YAY - one photo with eyes open!
(Ohhh right, like you look any better after running for an hour in the heat?)

Beautiful time of year when all the FLOWERS are coming out - SPRING HAS SPRUNG!
(that was my little bird friend, he wanted me to feed him or something because he kept getting SUPER CLOSE!)

More nice I said, who said running in Dhaka was SOOO bad?

Well, monsoon season is just around the corner - let you know how that goes.


Tuesday, 16 April 2013

A Coffee Tasting in Dhaka?

Have you ever been to a coffee tasting?

Well, Ev and I have.

We went last night.

It was our first time and last time ever going to a coffee tasting at 

6:00 to 9:00 PM!!!!
(that was the worst idea ever - didn't fall asleep
until 1am....just saying)

The table setting....there is a SETTING-UP protocol - KOOL!

Red one was for spitting in - classy!
(don't worry I drank all 6 cups and 2 expresso - ugh!)

Ev had no idea what he was doing...this was not WINE tasting  but COFFEE tasting...pffft!
Bartenders - ha!

He was kinda getting into it...

This was my test score sheet thingy...clearly if I was making myself on my answers
and handwriting it would be an A+ because I am astounding - period.

I loved the smelling part because it tickled my nose.

I am pleasantly disgusted with French Roast....ugh! Panama all the way in this pairing!

Don't mind if I do, DATE BAR!

He's fading a little at this point...not sure if it was the brownie of sixth cup of coffee....

Is it possible to get too intense sometimes?

Yeah...I thought so.

(the pour over...mmm? Anyone?)

Overall feelings of the whole experience = swell

Yes indeed, worth doing and would do it again
only in the A.M. before or after long-ass 
marathon run...just saying.


Just another day in Dhaka.

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