People grow up.
Johnny used to be my running partner in high school and now he works for Broadbent Team
Director of Research - no big deal.
(For the record - he bloody killed me in speed but I gotta'em back in distance - ha!)
(For the record - he bloody killed me in speed but I gotta'em back in distance - ha!)
Used to be my boyfriend in grade 8 - then he dumped me for my best friend!
(To be honest, I don't really remember what happened but that sounds like a pretty
typical Gr.8 boy/awesome thing to do - HIGH FIVE to that Cuddy!)
Then there are the childhood friends that you can never forget.
Born on the same street, come from the same mold and grow up together like sisters.
Then life starts taking you both on different paths and before you know it,
you are traveling on these AWESOME paths
(or roads less traveled - whatever you wanna call it Robert Frost)
but heading in the complete opposite direction.
Born on the same street, come from the same mold and grow up together like sisters.
Then life starts taking you both on different paths and before you know it,
you are traveling on these AWESOME paths
(or roads less traveled - whatever you wanna call it Robert Frost)
but heading in the complete opposite direction.
Oldest friend to date - Karis MacDougall.
Where is she now?
Living in L.A., following her dreams, on her way to being a true Hollywood Star.
Too bad nobody told her, she was already a star.
Where is she now?
Living in L.A., following her dreams, on her way to being a true Hollywood Star.
Too bad nobody told her, she was already a star.
(Don't tell her I told you that, will always be curious about Munch)
What about friends who all of a sudden OWN THEIR OWN BUSINESSES?
One of my favourite people in college (on the right) and well, LOOK AT HER NOW!
She owns her own Massage and Wellness Clinic called
(in Knoxville Tennessee)

And then there are every day people like Ben.
(family friend/brother/role model)
Who run races all over Canada
for The Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada...WHAT?
And don't even get me started on the number of friends
whom are recently parent or have been parents for a long time already.
Entire families have formed, real family entity of THEIR OWN.
What happened while I was gone?
To think, I knew these people when they were kids themselves, or just
really young and me! And now, they're - they're
Here are just a few.

Wonderful rowing partner in Tennessee and her new family.

Dearest Sally - The beave misses you and your wonderful family.

Cutest new family award goes too......
Sorry - first place goes to my brother and his newest family member of course!
Sorry - first place goes to my brother and his newest family member of course!

I mean...I could just keep going and going and GOING. There are so many friends who've
become or turned into such LOVELY parents ;-)
Who knew?
become or turned into such LOVELY parents ;-)
Who knew?

Scooter - you were one of the first...hope you don't mind but I had to
give you and YOUR family a special shout OUT!
Some of my friends have even started business BLOGS or FUN BLOGS teaching people stuff.
Couple of my favourite.
Couple of my favourite.
CHAMELEONIC - Styling and Art Director
So what is the moral of the story Lauren?!?
Time to grow up?
Time to stop playing pretend.....?
Time to stop having silly-skipping fun?
Or being so stupid and absolutely ridiculous?
Do I have to?

I'm thinking about it.
WHAT! no way! you just keep being you! bing bong! xoxox sophie
ReplyDeleteps: thanks for the shout out! can't wait to see you