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Sunday, 9 August 2015

Birthday Beats To A Little Brother Who Always Listens

The guy on the far right is my little brother, Everett.

I like to call him Ev.


Everett is just too long to say all at once.
Especially when yelling at him as I often do.
Don't get me wrong, Everett is a GREAT name...just NOT when I need
to yell at my little brother.

Today is Everett's birthday...he is almost 30.
Not quite but almost.

Most people would agree that life after you turn 30 goes downhill.
(I have thought that from time-to-time)

Today I am here to prove otherwise
(As a big sister should on the Eve of Ev's 29th birthday, no?)

When you are thirty, you can wear whatever you want.
Anything goes because you are thirty and people think 
"Man, that lady has style"
"Man, that lady so crazy she THINKS she has style
and clearly AIN'T afraid to flaunt it...tsk-tsk."

You can make food like this and "claim" you are a 
chef and guess what...? 


(Those look like butt holes - ewww Lauren!)

(Man muffins, one of my specialities!)

You can claim that you were "once" all these amazing things
in the past....

National team rower or famous tennis player in Dhaka?

And guess what Everett?
People WILL believe you because you sound so 
 (or is that because you are so nostalgic?)

You can claim absolute 100% productivity in your
job/career because you have finally NAILED
how to talk confidently about your work.
(Hopefully because at this point you have had a job longer than a year)

As well as, being able to describe to your boss
what is absolute perfection (in your job) and how deliver it on a daily basis.
Especially when it comes to your individual
and role-modeling for others.

Even if it there may be moments that don't always... out.

Just put your head down, keep looking down, and pretend that everything is okay!

One of my favourites is this idea you can "claim"
that you KNOW art.
Good art that is.
And some 30 year old people go as far as to claim that 
they are real ARTISTS!

Beautiful, right?

I mean, work like this is just priceless.


The best part about being 30 and getting older?
You can FINALLY be 
as you want and no one will think twice about it?


Because you are practically on the verge of dying.
You are SO MUCH closer to your life being over so
people expect you to be more CORNY
and happily except your SAPPY ways.

Awww, so cute!

Awwww, look at those two happy campers.

Who do they remind you of Ev?

So take advice from THIS guy above...getting one year closer to 30 ain't so bad.
(Especially when you have a rocking-trail-blazer-older-crazy-sista-like-me)

Love you lots.
You are my favourite little brother.
(Yes, I might only have one but that is besides the point)

Happy Birthday Everett.



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