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Saturday 17 March 2012

Sobering Thoughts

Here's the thing that has been bothering me the last couple days...

I am going to teach in Bangladesh, the decision is made and there are no regrets about it. 
However, what is making me a little sad about all this, 
(other than the OUTRAGEOUS costs in shots - that's another whole freaking story) 
is how this experience will, without a doubt, will change me...

Hey, don't roll your eyes!!!
It may seem foolish to you but tell me then how often you've faced a simple "Yes" or "No" question that you know will ultimately change you and your life for good?

Okay, so maybe I'm just a rookie at this. 
And yes-yes, of course I'm being over dramatic about the whole thing!
 (I'm an Aquarius, remember? Bah-hah)

I just can't get over the fact that I will come back changed and although it's very exciting, the idea of not being able to go back to the old Lauren, sounds kinda awful.
  I think for me, this is the hardest part.

Indeed you're right, I'm just being scared.
( I hate when you are right )
I guess that's how I ultimately know this is right for me; being scared and doing the unknown has always put hair on my chest and made me a better person over time...but really, Lauren?
Don't you have enough chest hair already? 

Apparently not.
And thus why I am recycling through these sad, little, melancholy thoughts.
(No worries, at some point the hamster will get tired and the wheel will stop)

Gonna consume copious amounts of green liquids and just avoid thinking....
...OH WAIT....
...I'm working today @ an Irish Pub!


Things just went from bad to worse.
On second thought, just send me to the "Desh" right now, please. 

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