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Monday 16 September 2013

Tuba Man = Crazy Dave

You know you have awesome neighbours when
they send you an e-mail letting you know their son has taken up a new instrument...


Most people would be HATE this but can I tell you a secret???
To hear the sounds of the tuba reminds me of being a little girl.
My older brother David,played the tuba for five years and would 
practise for hours in the basement. I learnt to love that sound.
By the end of high school David was apart
of three different bands, had gone to many competitions and well,
was know throughout school as being to be the "Tuba" guy!
Hey - I know what you are thinking - NERD!
And well, maybe he was a little nerdy but I have never been more
proud of a Wells family member!
 (pssst he actually looked good in his little Central, purple, bow-tie - ha!)

I can't forget that Ev also played an instrument but pretty sure he would agree with me that David was the one who really OWN the skill of playing an instrument.
(sorry Ev, close second buddy!)

Thinking about you today Dave.

Luv lo

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